The story of Clara the rhino is historic, unique and inspiring. Curator Gijs van der Ham will tell you more about Clara this afternoon. Artist Rossella Biscotti talks about the creation of her installation and reflects on the relationship between humans and other animals.

The story of Clara

In the summer of 1741, a young rhinoceros arrived in the Netherlands. Never before had a living rhino been seen here. She was named Clara and spent seventeen years traveling with her owner through large parts of Europe. From calf she grew into an adult animal - big, heavy and with a huge appetite.

Clara is the main character of this story, even though she spent the whole of her life in captivity. Her lot was determined by people and throughout her life she met far more people than rhinoceroses. At the same time, she has come to symbolize her species. When Clara arrived in Europe, hardly anyone knew anything about rhinoceroses, and what they did know was invariably incorrect. The simple fact that she was here meant that Clara was able to change this. Her presence led to curiosity, knowledge, appreciation and possibly even to a certain understanding, although she – and the rhinoceros in general – remained essentially alien to humans. On this account alone she continues to be a wonder beast.


  • 13.30h: Doors open
  • 14h: Gijs van der Ham: welcome and lecture about the exhibition
  • 14.25h: Rossella Biscotti: lecture about her installation Clara
  • 15h: Dialogue with and questions from the audience
  • 15.30h: Visit the exhibition
  • 17h: The museum closes


The exhibition Clara the Rhinoceros is made possible in part by a private donor/Rijksmuseum Fund.

6 November
14 - 15:30h


  • €5
  • Free for: Friends, Stadspas (all kinds), students and Museumkaart.

Museum access

A booking for the artist talk alone does not give access to the museum. You need a general tickets for that. You automatically book these along with your ticket for the lecture.

Artist talk

Lecture is in English