Lidded ewer, Adam van Vianen (I), 1614

Lidded ewer, Adam van Vianen (I), 1614

gilding, h c.25.0cm × w c.14.0cm × d c.9.0cm × w 910.0gr More details

The body of this bizarre ewer features Auricular-style decoration, that is, fluid earlobe-like forms flowing into one another as though someone has stirred a syrupy substance with a wooden spoon. Emerging from this mixture is all manner of terrifying part-human and part-animal creatures. Adam van Vianen made this ewer in memory of his brother Paulus van Vianen, who had died in 1613.

On display in room 2.1 Visit via the Highlights 1600-1650 tour

Listen to audio fragment (from the multimedia tour)


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Adam van Vianen




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