Find your job

Here you can find all job vacancies at the Rijksmuseum, including all current openings also posted in other media. Job applications must be submitted online.

Unsolicited applications

Although we’re delighted at all the interest in the Rijksmuseum, unfortunately we are unable to accept unsolicited applications. Please check our website for job vacancies. Found one you like? Apply online!

Job applications

Everyone is welcome to apply for job vacancies at the Rijksmuseum. From art experts to marketing gurus, and whether you’re a career tiger or are at a disadvantage on the labour market. Our only condition is that you respond to vacancies before the deadline. Late applications cannot be considered. Sometimes we may leave vacancies posted past the deadline so invited candidates can reread the job description. Due to the large number of applications for some jobs, it may take a while for us to respond, but rest assured we’ll get back to you.

Your privacy

Read about how we handle job applications and your privacy here.